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Christian Music
US Navy 1970 - 1973 DP (Data Processor) 2nd Class
USS White Plaines - West Coast (1970 - 1972) - Computer programmer and data operations
COMMINEWARFARE Charleston, SC (1972 - 1973 - Data management and inventory of water mines along the coast of Vietnam
USS White Plaines (AFS-4)
USS White Plaines (AFS4) Supply Ship with 400 personnel. Providing food, goods, and fuel to ships at sea.
USS White Plains in Subic Bay. Our main port over seas for resupplying our ship with goods.
Loading Inventory
IBM Key Punch Machine for maintainig inventory
DP Johnson in our DP shop
DP Gonzales in our DP shop
At sea between work
At sea
DP crew goofing off
Down time at sea between duty
Fun times in our DP shop while at sea
Many games of Risk and card games
Me (Ken) in our DP shop
I'm next to one million dollers as part of the payroll we provided to the fleet around Vietnam
One of many visits to Hong Kong for R&R and pick up goods
RR in Singapore. Took up a little snake handling.
Me at Subic Bay
Vertreps - Vertical replentishment at sea using one of our two helos
Supplies to ships at sea
Helo carrier
Large carriers come along side and we send cargo over by lines
Carrier close up
Some rough seas repletishments
Our ship preparing lines to transfer goods and fuel to a ship in the next pictures
Supplying fuel, food and even payroll - no ATMs or debit cards in the late 60's and 70's
Easy to get swept off ship
Crossing the equator by US Navy ship involves an initiation for sailors who experience it for the first time. They are called Pollywogs and become Shellbacks once completing the ceremony.
Preparing to meet King Neptune's Court. Clothes on backwards and on our hands and knees
Fire hose cut into pieces were whips to move everyone along.
The long crawl through the tunnel filled with a week's worth of left-over food and garbage, machine grease, raw eggs and other slime items
Plenty of whippings along the way
No stopping even if losing your clothing.
Everyone must be presented to the court with King Neptune residing. All are found guilty of being Pollywogs (Initial time passing through the equator)
Into the box. Full of slime. Plenty of rougth jogging and bouncing from the forklift.
More beatings
Mouth filled with raw unbroken eggs
Time to kiss the baby's belly
A mix of peanut butter, greese, and other fine smears
You can't get away with a mouthfull
Even the officers had the pleasure of the initiation
More initiating activity
Some additional pain before walking the steps to be pushed into a tank of green dye-marker
More beating with the fire hoses
Blowing the water out of the helo deck tie-down wells
Cleaning up with the fire hoses on the fantail after the ceremony. While all looks horrific, it was all in fun. No fatalities - maybe a couple of bruises
On deck at night in Hong Kong